Thursday, September 2, 2010

Social Gathering....

So they say it is important to socialize your toddler/preschooler.  Little gets PLENTY of that.  I mean he hangs with 15 year olds and 10 year olds.  What could a preschooler teach him?  I mean who needs the ABC's when they can play COD?  What is more precious than a little blondie telling people HEAD SHOT! As they throw random objects at other's heads?  We did learn body parts as they were flying off the man on the video screen

As preschool fast approaches, we have decided to 'socialize' little with a fun activity.  Water Fun Day with his little boy buddies and the MOPS kiddos.  We.Are.Hosting.  We have made a fun game of 'PICK UP ALL THESE DAMN INCONVIENTLY PLACED TOYS' It is a race and I think they are really making headway!  I just hope they don't expect a prize!  The dog has been bathed.  He.Needed.It.  It has been months since he has gone to the groomer.  That is on the list of to-do when school starts.  The little is in his swimsuit.  He can not wait for his friends to come over. 

We are supplying a snack and the water fun...everything else, well you are on your own... and please don't judge if you need to use the restroom...the house is 'semi clean messy'

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