Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snow Days...Just a test...

Snow days are the school districts evil little plan to make all of the parents realize that parenting is a job that requires flexibility.  There is nothing like having a whole day planned, based upon the fact that your child will be gone from say 8 in the morning until 3:13 in the afternoon.  Only to wake up in the morning to find out that mother nature has dumped buckets of snow or sheets of ice down.  Re-arrange your day, plan who will keep little junior so you can work...whatever...thanks school district...

But nothing is worse than the evil Stepmother of the snow day.  That is right...the TWO HOUR DELAY.  First they always come AFTER you have pulled junior out of bed, forced them in the shower, shoved food down their throats, and then...bam... two extra hours that you get to 'enjoy' your child.  Your child that would have happily slept in (as would you) and not asked 600 times in the following 2 hours, "do I HAVE to go to school?" Yes, because even though you see no harm in sitting home, your teachers are still going to teach and you are still going to be expected to learn.  So go get learning!

We were blessed for 2 years of school that the Big Kid was being educated in Southern California.  You know what doesn't exsist in California?  Snow days AND delays.  The kids went to school everyday.  There was no plan b.  There was school.  Monday through Friday, 9-3, 42 weeks of the year.  Of course we had days off, but they were pre-planned, scheduled far in advance, and usually followed the regular holiday calendar.  That was nice.  I enjoy continuity.  A schedule that doesn't revolve around the weather.  That is for me.  As I said, 2 years, no snowdays.  The very first year he was in school in New York, he was introduced to a snow day by November.  I think the conversation went like this.  "Mom, you let me sleep in, I am going to miss my bus.  You are so driving me!"  "No, Big Kid, you have a snow day."  "Yes, I see the snow, but what is a snow day?" "It is a day when the school thinks it is unsafe for you to be out and they ask everyone to stay at home" "Really?  Why didn't they give me these in California?" "Well, brillant child, did you ever see snow in California?" "No, but, I mean, Man, I was really missing out.  I am so glad we moved to New York, I hope everyday is a snow day!" So as you can see snow days really hold a lot of worth to the kids. 

As a Mom, it is just a test.  Can you handle your kids for a day when you weren't counting on it?  Do you have a Plan B?  Are you ready for what the winter has in store?  When Middle Kid was in kindergarten, you know what...he didn't make it to school a whole month for a full day. There were a few half days in there.  Granted the month was February.  That usually holds a week vacation, President's Day and a few other random holidays, but the days that WERE scheduled were all snow days or delays.  It was a crazy month.  I think in First Grade he was upset when February rolled around and he had to go to school.  It too, was just a test. 

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