Thursday, January 6, 2011

Head laughing matter...

Sort of... I mean a few weeks ago, I got a concussion.  It wasn't funny.  At first.  The first week of 'healing' was not funny.  The second week it got to be normal.  But now... maybe four weeks in, it sort of is funny.

Let me set the stage.  I was 'playing' hockey.  I, even though am a fantastic skater, somehow fell.  HARD.  My feet went out first.  I landed on my head.  Right on the back.  I heard people gasp.  I knew it was bad, but got right up and skated off to the side.  I swore up and down, I am fine.  I made it through but was starting to feel, 'off' shall we say.  So I got off the ice.  I was a little confused and felt off.  The head honcho had to pick me up anyways so I told him my situation. 

The next day I was really 'off'.  I was confused by a dental bill.  I am in charge of all of the household fiances and couldn't figure out how much the insurance was going to pay.  It was pretty simple for the Head Honcho to figure out with a phone call and 4 minutes.  I worked at it for roughly 30 minutes.  And still didn't understand.  Still not sure I do.  I thought I would be okay on day one of recovery to work.  I was a mess.  I had to write everything down.  Down to bring table 3 butter!  I would get to the back and forget! 

Over the weeks, things were getting better.  There has been a few mess ups.  I have forgotten things.  But I have finally accepted the fact and can now attribute it to the concussion that I am flighty.  I forget things in the car. Even after looking at it and saying I need to take that in.  I get in and realize it is still on the front seat!  I am pretty sure there may be a gallon of milk in the trunk of my van.  It would be there since Tuesday.  Today is Thursday.  Hopefully I will remeber to check tomorrow.  The good news is it has been cold enough to keep the milk fresh. 

So, while it isn't 'funny' when someone has a head injury, it is a bit humorous as the 'healing' begins.  And when you look back at it.  Well, what you remeber of it.

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