Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanks to Little Brother!!

I got myself into this little mess, and thankfully, Little Brother was there to pull me out!  Well, he wasn't there, per se, but he was.  I dozed off after hockey practice this morning and was running late.  Dropped Little Kid to preschool and called the Head Honcho to give him my day plan.  (not that I HAVE to, I just like to let him know the plan) As I stopped at a traffic light I yelped "cop gotta run".  Hung up the phone and threw it as far as I could.  (As if throwing it to the other side of the van made it so I looked less guilty!)

Within half of a block, his lights went on.  Pulled over when safe (and used my blinker, because I am safe like that) My heart immediately started beating 5 times the normal speed.  You see, while I was talking to the Head Honcho, I told him I was taking the van in for inspection, since my registration had expired.  This is a big oops on my part.  A nice little Patrolman walked up.  My first thought, please be someone I know.  I know 3/4 of the local PD.  I have either taught their kid to skate, served them at work, or we have kids on the same hockey team.  Of course not, it is a new guy.  Just my luck!  His first question, and I was doomed!

"License please" To which I go into a long story about how I didn't get it replaced yet since the big robbery.  "When was your purse stolen ma'am?"  A month ago I sheepishly reply.  "Well, I was waiting for the police report and then I had to go to the DMV to get my registration done so I was going to do it all at once, but I haven't gotten an appointment for my inspection.  That is why I was on the phone.  It was the Head Honcho reminding me to call the garage" (This is why I can never commit a crime.  I sing like a canary! Notice he never mentioned the phone, the registration OR the inspection!)  He looks at the inspection sticker and looks up.  A bright shinny moment for me.  He looks directly at the Trooper sticker!!!

He looks back at me.  I again went into detail about expiration dates and how I was confused.  He stops me.  This can't be good.  He says if my license is clean he will simply write a cell phone ticket and forgive the 3 other tickets he could write.  I slyly say.  My brother is a Trooper.  I have never pulled that card.  (Usually I mention the local PD officers that I know so this is uncharted grounds for me)  He asks his name.  I reply and mention his station!  Bonus points for that I am sure.  I even said he noticed my stickers on Thanksgiving.  He smirks and walks away.

He comes back and says you are a lucky lady today.  Where are you headed?  I replied "home, to call inspection place to get that taken care of!"  He said you could have 4 tickets.  Get that taken care of and have a good day!

I carefully smiled and thanked him, rolled up my window, signaled and pulled out.  And came home and made an appointment for my inspection!

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