Friday, September 10, 2010

It's a good thing my brother is a trooper...

and I hope he has pull with CPS (child protective services).  I am expecting a visit from them any minute.  Them or the local police.  Maybe I will get both.  THAT would be exciting!!! Really though, I have done no wrong...


I am donating a gift basket to a co-worker's son-in-laws golf benefit.  (need a map to follow that one?)  You see, he has been stricken with Cancer only 28 years old and his baby turned a year old this July.  Kinda pulls at your heartstrings right?  So, me, the kind, caring person I am decided to donate a gift basket.  I purchased one of my products that I sell, which happens to be a cooler.  Hubby decided the best thing for the target group there... 28, men, golf, beer. Of course it just flows!!

So I head down to our local market.  Not my usual market.  This store is sketchy at best.  There are more food benefit cards than cash being handed out.  I had little kid in the cart and I picked out three different fall beer choices.  As I run to the checkout little kid is looking sad, he has been running all day with me and got he doesn't HAVE to have something at everystore, but today was a long day so I throw in a bag of M&M's.

The lady in front of me looks in my cart and surveys my purchase.  3 six packs of various beers, a toddler (mind you he is fully clothed in CLEAN clothes ~a rarity in this store~) and a pack of candy.  She looks at the cart, looks at little kid, and sighs.  Loudly.  Directly. At. Me.  I said 'I know, I just hope this lasts me the rest of the night, or at least until I pass out.  I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AGAIN TODAY!!!'  Make note, that one, I hate beer, two, I don't drink and drive (little brother would not be able to help with that and I wouldn't deserve help) three, it is none of her business.  I am a good mom and a good (most of the time) person.  I am donating this gift to a family that is having a rough time.  Don't Judge Me!!! 

But the funny part is, as I am walking out, I notice the nosy lady still in her car.  I unpacked the cart, sat little kid in his seat, and went and put the cart away (again a good person).  I notice her still sitting in her car.  I get a little nervous (not sure why, I surely haven't had a drink) and get in the car and start it.  Little kid yells from the back seat... apparently I was too busy being a good mom that I forgot to buckle him into his carseat!! Score one for the nosy lady! 

I think it is important to mention that the nosy lady must live nearby as she followed me mostly home.  I am expecting the police and/or cps any moment.  I have brownies baking and coffee on!

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